We Belong Together

Belonging is a basic human need. We identify ourselves by who we belong with, as members of families, residents of town or cities, and members of political parties, churches, and possibly baseball teams. The Rev. Bonnie Dlott returns to our pulpit to help us explore what “belonging” to a religious community can mean, explicitly and implicitly, and consider why the experience of “belonging” can be transformative. Worship Leader – Rev. Bonnie Dlott, Worship Associate – Megan Johnson, Music – Chris Perske, Technical Support – Emily Greenslade.

Rev. Bonnie Dlott is a native of the Bay Area who served the Napa congregation for eleven years, retiring in 2017 after a health crisis. Before being called to the ministry she earned a doctorate in Biological Chemistry. She identifies as a nature mystic, finding the sacred in the natural world and in acts of kindness. She is a wife and the mother of two adult children. In her spare time, she likes to cook, garden, and hike.

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