Speaker: Bev McMillan

The (Scientific) Reality of Spirituality

Led by UU member and science writer Beverly McMillan, this week’s discussion centers on neurotheology, the scientific exploration of spiritual experiences and the possibility that each of us is a spiritual pioneer as we make our way through life.

Facets of Love

Coordinated by Worship Associate, Merrily Stover. UUs respond to the call of love because it is our common theological core. It is what can and does motivate us and illuminates our deepest commitments to each other. All the Worship Associates gather together today to share thoughts on different types of love. Childcare will be available. … Continue reading Facets of Love

What Are You Waiting For?

All are welcome to the Summer Discussion Series Join UU writer and Worship Associate Bev McMillan in a discussion of the power of the word “someday” to put off situations that life is inviting—and sometimes demanding— that we explore.  Stay for coffee to chat further.

Is Environmental Justice a Pipe Dream?

In theory, environmental justice — spreading environmental hazards equally among all people regardless of race or ethnicity, economic status, political leanings and the like — is an important component of the broader UU commitment to social justice. To explore this topic, in this session we can discuss several factors, such as: The realities of disproportionate … Continue reading Is Environmental Justice a Pipe Dream?