Speaker: Rev. Bryan Plude

In the Midst of a World

As part of our worship on Sunday, we will offer our traditional flower communion. Please bring a flower to give away. In her poem “In the Midst of a World,” Rev. Dr. Rebecca Parker writes of the need for those who bear witness, who speak honestly and see what must be seen, who grieve and … Continue reading In the Midst of a World


The field of neurotheology seeks to understand the relationship between the brain and religion. We will look at the science and the implications we might draw, knowing our brains are hardwired for myth-making and ritual. Worship Leader – Rev. Bryan Plude, Worship Associate – Merrily Stover, Music – Chris Perske, Technical support – courtney singer. … Continue reading Neurotheology

Reconciliation and Reparations

Reconciling the racial divides in our country will require acknowledgement, repentance, and reparations. Systemic racism is something that is difficult for most of us to recognize, socially liberal UU’s included. How do we begin? Worship Leader – Rev. Bryan Plude, Music – Pam Sachs, Megan Johnson, courtney singer & Margaret Aumann, Technical Support – Jeff … Continue reading Reconciliation and Reparations

Grief to Gratitude

In our personal lives and in the larger world there are often reasons to grieve. In our fellowship, I will soon no longer be your minister, a source of grief for myself and perhaps for you. Acknowledging and experiencing our grief can help us to move toward gratitude for what we have shared, and hope … Continue reading Grief to Gratitude

Why did Jesus Die?

For the last 1000 years, Christians have believed Jesus died so we could be saved from sin.  Early Christians focused, rather, on the life-giving message of Jesus; that Paradise was to be found by striving to live ethically in beauty and love. Worship Leader –Megan Johnson, Music – Pam Sachs & Margaret Aumann, Technical Support … Continue reading Why did Jesus Die?

How Do We Trust?

“We are born to trust,” says Rev. Kirk Loadman-Copeland, editor of the Touchstones Project. Trust is our theme for March. Yet we live in a time of extreme distrust. How do we navigate these tumultuous times? What can we do to restore trust? Worship Leader – Rev. Bryan Plude, Worship Associates – Angela Risdon & … Continue reading How Do We Trust?

Will Preach for Money: An Insider’s Thoughts on the Ministry

In 1995, the Rev. Dan O’Neal was in his 9th year of ministry with the UU Congregation, Santa Rosa. The congregation was growing exponentially. As we engage in discussions about the future of this Fellowship, we revisit Dan’s thoughts. What exactly do ministers do? This is a mystery to most people. Worship Leader – Rev. … Continue reading Will Preach for Money: An Insider’s Thoughts on the Ministry