Problems and Prospects for Ending Homelessness in Our Community

Recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of every person is the First Principle of our Unitarian faith. As  winter unfolds, we can’t ignore the appallingly dire problems faced every day by unhoused individuals in Chico and Butte County. At this service we’ll hear personal stories from members of our fellowship, as well as from these representatives of community:  Nancy Wirtz, Addison Winslow and Rich Ober, all at the front lines of efforts to improve the lives of those struggling to live outdoors.

Our members and guests will discuss what motivates them to undertake this challenging work and what real solutions to the problem might look like. They’ll also offer informed ideas for how we as individuals and as a community can best help. Come to listen, learn, and join the conversation!

Worship Leader: Beverly McMillan
Tech: courtney singer
Nancy Wirtz – Safe Space Winter Shelter
Addison Winslow-City Council Member
Rich Ober- South Chico Community Assistance Center

The service will be held in person at UUFC. We meet in the social hall following the service for coffee and snacks.

We regret that this service will not be on UUFC Zoom or recorded.