Springtime for Boomers

Rev. Philip Persson returns to our pulpit. Spring is not just the beginning of new life in nature, when babies of all sizes and shapes abound, but also can be a new beginning for those of us in the “second half” of life. Worship Leader – Rev. Philip Persson, Worship Associate – Susan Bachlor, Music – Chris Perske, Technical Support – Bob Crowe.

The Rev. Philip Persson is the retired pastor of the former United Church of Christ in Chico, where he served for 11 years, arriving in 1993. Rev. Persson is a graduate of The Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley. He lives with his wife and 2 cats in Chico. He gets around town in either an electric vehicle or a pickup truck.

We are unable to offer online streaming this morning. Our service will be in-person only. We apologize to those whom we are unable to serve.