The Women of Easter

Please welcome the Rev. Eileen Brownell back to our pulpit as she talks about the seven women who stayed with and by Jesus as he died. In Biblical times, women were controlled by men, expected to stay at home and to not acknowledge men who were not members of their family. They were not even allowed to read the Torah. Jesus broke the rules by speaking to them and treating them as equals. He shared his teachings openly with women and revealed himself to a woman first after his death. Because of his support and love for them, they stayed to the end so he was not alone. Worship Leader – Rev. Eileen Brownell, Worship Associate – Angela Risdon, Music – Chris Perske.

We are unable to offer online streaming this morning. Our service will be in-person only. We apologize to those whom we are unable to serve.

Guest biography: High energy, organized and compassionate are just a few of the words that describe Rev. Eileen O. Brownell. She was born and raised in Chico, California and Portland, Maine. After graduating from Chico State, she lived in Orange County for 25 years working in city government before returning to Chico to assist her elderly parents. She decided to follow her spiritual path and in 2006 became a minister with the Centers for Spiritual Living. She has served 16 years as a Chico Police Chaplain and recently attending facilitation training with Soul Shop, a faith-based suicide prevention program she hopes to share with spiritual communities in Butte County.

In her free time, you’ll find Eileen trout fishing in the local streams, enjoying the outdoors in her trailer, walking Snap and Zipper her cherished puppy-dogs, or trimming one of 60 rose bushes in her yard.