Universalism: Past, Present and Powerful

Rev. Kalen Fristad will speak on the history and significance of the teaching of universalism. Eternal damnation, rejected by universalism, points toward abuse, oppression, bigotry, and even war. Universalism leads to equality, respect, love, and dignity for all. Followed by discussion.

Rev. Fristad has been a United Methodist minister for more than 40 years, and is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship. He traveled the country full time with his wife, Darlene, from 2003 to 2006 accepting invitations to speak at churches, proclaiming the hopeful message of universalism. Following then, he served churches in Iowa half time, while spending half time on the road. He retired from parish ministry in 2013, but continues to travel the country speaking on universalism. Over the years he has spoken at more than 240 UU churches.

Kalen has written a book on universalism, Destined for Salvation, and a Study Book with the same title. His books, CDs and DVDs will be available for purchase after the service.