Inherent Worth, Trust, and the Good Samaritan

Daylight Savings Time – so “Spring” those clocks ahead!!

Our affirmation of the inherent worth and dignity of every person calls us to be trustworthy neighbors. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, (Luke 10:25-37), only the loathed Samaritan saw the dignity of the grievously beaten man, a Jew, and stopped to help. A Levite and a priest, both fellow Jews, left him to die. How are we called to be trustworthy neighbors? Worship Leader – Rev. Bryan Plude, Worship Associate – Beverly MacMillan, Music – Pam Sachs & Margaret Aumann, Technical Support – Jeff Sachs

The service will be held in person at UUFC or on Zoom by computer or mobile device. Coffee hour on the patio or online follows the service.

UUFC Zoom  by computer or mobile device
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By phone: Dial (669) 900-9128 and enter meeting ID 261 078 4089. The password is 1289.